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NEWS, thoughts & notes...

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May 2024  Where Dreams Come True -- Polish + Italian Editions in time for December Holiday Gifting !!

ANNOUNCING... Linda and her decades-long colleague and former Italian Ambassador's wife:

Iwona Sliwocka Pavesi translate together!  This truly unique

story features young hero Sarah's German-American


Trying learning another language in these special editions

of an all ages, tieless story !

DO PLEASE stay-tuned for more news...


or ...  contact Linda here.


30 September 2021


This is launch day for the French Edition of the acclaimed inspirational book

for all ages:


Where Dreams Come True, Edition # 3:



Linda Lee Ratto, Ed.M.

Traduction en Français

 Anne-Marie Barbier

Have a look at book previews in English or French !


December 15, 2021 NEWS!!

 >>>  Just released Edition 4   <<<


Spanish Edition of    Where Dreams Come True


English WDCT hardcopy or E-Learning Guide or 3CD.Set read by Linda

           - Great for Book Clubs + Teachers

 Send me your thoughts after reviewing WDCT samples here!

And Happy Holiday Gifting !!!!!

Huge Healthy Hugs to all of my readers!   Your feedback and comments continually

teach me precious things.

You are the BEST, LLR


2020-09-21 with spine BEST French.FRONTCover.White.TimesRoman(need Poland).jpg
2016 Dreams Front Cover.jpg
WDCT.English.Workbook and CDs pic.jpg
2021-12-16 Linda with Spanish Translators Sandy(L) Kim(R).JPG
Linda with Sandy and Kim Spanish Translator Teammates

Dear Readers,                                                                                                December 19th  


As this unique year comes to a close, I am Blessed to see the silver linings in countless people's lives. For me, after writing Where Dreams Come True back in 2003 and utilizing all the hours, days and weeks during the pandemic to full advantage, WDCT is in four languages with two more in the works!   WHAT a dichotomy of technology and all of my colleagues living oceans apart, coming together to bring an American history tale into the hands of people who may not speak English.  Where Dreams Come True / French and Spanish editions. Pretty miraculous when I think back to writing the tale, inspired by our family's challenges and also living a few miles from an American-German-Amish community.  Yes, there is even some German language sprinkled into the story with a glossary in three languages for some extra brain-expansion!   Do please think about a book club, either in-person or online. Contact me. Bring me your ideas. So far I've successfully enjoyed bringing alive dreams for adults and young people across the USA, Europe, Australia, South Africa, and Canada thus far. What fun! This simple, clear and moving story has a little life of its own.  As a Mom of three and G-Mom of two, it warms my heart teaching folks how to dream! 


Happy Holidays to each and every one.

May 2022 be healthier and happier than you and yours ever dreamed...

February 2022

AMid the globalshifting in just two short months of thIS fresh new year, we can bring peace into our days.  Read. 3 of the 4 language EDITIONS OF WHERE DREAMS COME TRUE ARE READY FOR YOU TO SHARE. eNJOY CALM READING FOR SELF-CARE OR READ ALOUD TOGETHER WITH THOSE NEAR - OF ANY AGE. tHROUGH STORY, consider new approaches to life challenges inside these pages. E-book or hardcopy in SPanish, ENglish and French.  Makes an inspiring and unique Gift! 

I am starting a French/ENGlish Professional's Book CLub soon. 

Let me know if you and yours would like to set-up a zoom or skype book session this spring or summer...

HUgs of Peace and kindness.

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